







X Meaning size/bytes
b byte 1
w word 2
d double word 4
q quad word 8
t ten word 20








call    quit

mov ebx, 0 ; exit时返回状态0 - 'No Errors'
mov eax, 1 ; 调用SYS_EXIT(OPCODE是1)
int 80h




    mov     ecx, 0  ; to count
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte[input+ecx]
cmp al, 32
je getlen1
mov byte[input1+ecx], al
inc ecx
jmp .loop0


mov ecx, 0 ; use ecx to count

cmp ecx, dword[len1]
je .L1
mov ebx, dword[len1]
sub ebx, ecx
sub ebx, 1
movzx eax, byte[input1+ebx]
sub eax, '0'
xor ebx, ebx
mov dword[dividend+ecx*4], eax
inc ecx
jmp .loop1



; file name:main.asm
; nasm -f elf main.asm
; ld -m elf_i386 main.o -o main
; ./main
; BigIntDiv

%include 'function.asm'

msg1: db 'Please input two numbers', 0Ah, 0h ;inform the user to input two numbers
msg2: db 'The quotient is:', 0Ah, 0h ;tell the user next output is quotient
msg3: db 'The remainder is:', 0Ah, 0h
ZERO: db '0', 0Ah, 0h
error_msg: db 'Error!', 0Ah, 0h
dividend: times 102 dd 0
divisor: times 102 dd 0
quotient: times 102 dd 0

input resb 210
input1 resb 102 ;dividend
input2 resb 102 ;divisor
len1 resd 1
len2 resd 1
judge resd 1
index resd 1
printout resb 1

global _start

; main()
; print msg1
mov eax, msg1
call sprint
; input the two numbers
; mov eax, 3
; mov ebx, 0
; mov ecx, input1
; mov edx, 102
; int 80h
; mov eax, 3
; mov ebx, 0
; mov ecx, input2
; mov edx, 102
; int 80h
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, input
mov edx, 210
int 80h
mov ecx, 0 ; to count
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte[input+ecx]
cmp al, 32
je getlen1
mov byte[input1+ecx], al
inc ecx
jmp .loop0

; get the length of the first num
mov dword[len1], ecx
mov byte[input1+ecx], 0Ah
inc ecx
mov byte[input1+ecx], 0
mov esi, 0

mov al, byte[input+ecx]
cmp al, 0
je getlen2
mov byte[input2+esi], al
inc esi
inc ecx
jmp .loop01

; get the length of the second num
sub esi, 1
mov dword[len2], esi
add esi, 1
mov byte[input2+esi], 0

; use list to store the two numbers,inverted order
call store
; two simple case
; first:divisor == 0
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte[input2]
cmp al, '0'
je error
; second:len1 < len2
xor eax, eax
mov eax, dword[len1]
mov ebx, dword[len2]
cmp eax, ebx
jb case1
; the most complex part
; do BigIntDiv
jmp case2
; make sure exit
call quit

; ------------------------------
; functions and loop
; ------------------------------

; dividend[i] = input1[len1-1-i] - '0';
; divisor[i] = input2[len2-1-i] - '0';
mov ecx, 0 ; use ecx to count

cmp ecx, dword[len1]
je .L1
mov ebx, dword[len1]
sub ebx, ecx
sub ebx, 1
movzx eax, byte[input1+ebx]
sub eax, '0'
xor ebx, ebx
mov dword[dividend+ecx*4], eax
inc ecx
jmp .loop1

mov ecx, 0

cmp ecx, dword[len2]
je .L2
mov ebx, dword[len2]
sub ebx, ecx
sub ebx, 1
movzx eax, byte[input2+ebx]
sub eax, '0'
xor ebx, ebx
mov dword[divisor+ecx*4], eax
inc ecx
jmp .loop2


; -------------------------------
; error
mov eax, error_msg
call sprint
call quit

; --------------------------------
; a simple case
mov eax, msg2
call sprint
mov eax, ZERO
call sprint
mov eax, msg3
call sprint
mov eax, input1
call sprint
call quit

; --------------------------------
; BigIntDiv
mov eax, dword[len1]
sub eax, dword[len2]
mov ecx, eax ;use ecx to represent i

cmp ecx, 0
jl output
push esi ;use esi as j

; while(1)
mov dword[judge], 1
mov esi, dword[len2]
sub esi, 1

; judge wheather enough
cmp esi, 0
jl .L4
mov eax, dword[len2]
add eax, ecx
cmp dword[dividend+4*eax], 0
jg .L4
xor eax, eax
mov eax, ecx
add eax, esi
mov ebx, dword[divisor+4*esi]
cmp dword[dividend+4*eax], ebx
jg .L4
jl .L3
dec esi
jmp .loop5

mov dword[judge], 0

cmp dword[judge], 0
je .L6
mov esi, 0

; do sub
cmp esi, dword[len2]
je .L5
mov eax, ecx
add eax, esi
mov ebx, dword[divisor+4*esi]
sub dword[dividend+4*eax], ebx
cmp dword[dividend+4*eax], 0
jl .L7
inc esi
jmp .loop6

add dword[quotient+4*ecx], 1
jmp .loop4

dec ecx
jmp .loop3

add dword[dividend+4*eax], 10
add eax, 1
sub dword[dividend+4*eax], 1
inc esi
jmp .loop6

; output the two result
pop esi
mov dword[index], 0
mov ecx, dword[len1]
sub ecx, dword[len2]

; the first number != 0 and get its index
cmp ecx, 0
jl .L8
cmp dword[quotient+4*ecx], 0
jne .L8
dec ecx
jmp .loop7

mov dword[index], ecx
mov ecx, dword[index]
mov eax, msg2
call sprint

cmp ecx, 0
jl .L9
mov eax, dword[quotient+4*ecx]
and eax, 0fh
add eax, '0'
mov byte[printout], al
push ecx
mov edx, 1
mov ecx, printout
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 80h
pop ecx
dec ecx
jmp .loop8

cmp dword[index], -1
je .small_solve0
call sprintLn
mov dword[index], 0
mov ecx, dword[len2]
sub ecx, 1

cmp ecx, 0
jl .L10
cmp dword[dividend+4*ecx], 0
jne .L10
dec ecx
jmp .loop9

mov dword[index], ecx
mov ecx, dword[index]
mov eax, msg3
call sprint

cmp ecx, 0
jl .end
mov eax, dword[dividend+4*ecx]
and eax, 0fh
add eax, '0'
mov byte[printout], al
push ecx
mov edx, 1
mov ecx, printout
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 80h
pop ecx
dec ecx
jmp .loop10

cmp dword[index], -1
je .small_solve
call sprintLn
call quit

; quotient = 0
mov eax, ZERO
call sprint
jmp .L11

; remainder = 0
mov eax, ZERO
call sprint
call quit
; file name:function.asm
; define some useful functions
; 1. strlen(String msg):caluate the length of string
; 2. sprint(String msg): print the string
; 3. sprintLn():print \n
; 4. quit(): exit the process

; int strlen(String message)
strlen: ; 返回值保存在EAX中
push ebx ; 将EBX中的值保存于栈上,因为strlen会使用该寄存器
mov ebx, eax ; 将EAX中msg的地址移EBX(现在二者指向内存中同一处)

cmp byte [eax], 0 ; 比较当前EAX地址处的内容是否为字符串结尾'\0'
jz finished ; ZF为1,跳出循环到finished
inc eax ; ZF不为1,EAX中的地址递增
jmp nextchar ; 继续循环

sub eax, ebx ; EBX - EAX,长度保存在EAX中
pop ebx ; 将栈上之前保存的值pop回EBX
ret ; 返回函数调用处

; void sprint(String message)
; 打印字符串
push edx ; 将EDX中的值保存于栈上
push ecx ; 将ECX中的值保存于栈上
push ebx ; 将EBX中的值保存于栈上
push eax ; 将EAX中的值保存于栈上,即参数string
call strlen ; 计算EAX中字符串长度,保存在EAX中

mov edx, eax ; 将长度移入到EDX
pop eax ; 恢复EAX值,即参数string

mov ecx, eax ; 将待打印string移入ECX
mov ebx, 1 ; 表示写入到标准输出STDOUT
mov eax, 4 ; 调用SYS_WRITE(操作码是4)
int 80h

pop ebx ; 恢复原来EBX中的值
pop ecx ; 恢复原来ECX中的值
pop edx ; 恢复原来EDX中的值

; void sprintLn
; 打印换行符
push eax ; 将EAX中的值保存于栈上
mov eax, 0Ah ; 将换行符0Ah移入EAX
push eax ; 将换行符0Ah入栈,这样可以获取其地址
mov eax, esp ; 将当前栈指针ESP中的地址(指向0Ah)移入EAX
call sprint ; 调用sprint打印换行符
pop eax ; 换行符退栈
pop eax ; 恢复调用该函数前EAX中的值
ret ; 返回调用处

; void quit()
; 退出程序
mov ebx, 0 ; exit时返回状态0 - 'No Errors'
mov eax, 1 ; 调用SYS_EXIT(OPCODE是1)
int 80h