; file name:main.asm ; nasm -f elf main.asm ; ld -m elf_i386 main.o -o main ; ./main ; BigIntDiv
%include 'function.asm'
SECTION .data msg1: db 'Please input two numbers', 0Ah, 0h ;inform the user to input two numbers msg2: db 'The quotient is:', 0Ah, 0h ;tell the user next output is quotient msg3: db 'The remainder is:', 0Ah, 0h ZERO: db '0', 0Ah, 0h error_msg: db 'Error!', 0Ah, 0h dividend: times 102 dd 0 divisor: times 102 dd 0 quotient: times 102 dd 0
SECTION .bss input resb 210 input1 resb 102 ;dividend input2 resb 102 ;divisor len1 resd 1 len2 resd 1 judge resd 1 index resd 1 printout resb 1
SECTION .text global _start
; main() _start: ; print msg1 mov eax, msg1 call sprint ; input the two numbers ; mov eax, 3 ; mov ebx, 0 ; mov ecx, input1 ; mov edx, 102 ; int 80h ; mov eax, 3 ; mov ebx, 0 ; mov ecx, input2 ; mov edx, 102 ; int 80h mov eax, 3 mov ebx, 0 mov ecx, input mov edx, 210 int 80h mov ecx, 0 ; to count xor eax, eax .loop0: mov al, byte[input+ecx] cmp al, 32 je getlen1 mov byte[input1+ecx], al inc ecx jmp .loop0
; get the length of the first num getlen1: mov dword[len1], ecx mov byte[input1+ecx], 0Ah inc ecx mov byte[input1+ecx], 0 mov esi, 0
.loop01: mov al, byte[input+ecx] cmp al, 0 je getlen2 mov byte[input2+esi], al inc esi inc ecx jmp .loop01
; get the length of the second num getlen2: sub esi, 1 mov dword[len2], esi add esi, 1 mov byte[input2+esi], 0
; use list to store the two numbers,inverted order call store ; two simple case ; first:divisor == 0 xor eax, eax mov al, byte[input2] cmp al, '0' je error ; second:len1 < len2 xor eax, eax mov eax, dword[len1] mov ebx, dword[len2] cmp eax, ebx jb case1 ; the most complex part ; do BigIntDiv jmp case2 ; make sure exit call quit
; ------------------------------ ; functions and loop ; ------------------------------
; dividend[i] = input1[len1-1-i] - '0'; ; divisor[i] = input2[len2-1-i] - '0'; store: mov ecx, 0 ; use ecx to count .loop1: cmp ecx, dword[len1] je .L1 mov ebx, dword[len1] sub ebx, ecx sub ebx, 1 movzx eax, byte[input1+ebx] sub eax, '0' xor ebx, ebx mov dword[dividend+ecx*4], eax inc ecx jmp .loop1
.L1: mov ecx, 0
.loop2: cmp ecx, dword[len2] je .L2 mov ebx, dword[len2] sub ebx, ecx sub ebx, 1 movzx eax, byte[input2+ebx] sub eax, '0' xor ebx, ebx mov dword[divisor+ecx*4], eax inc ecx jmp .loop2
.L2: ret
; ------------------------------- ; error error: mov eax, error_msg call sprint call quit
; -------------------------------- ; a simple case case1: mov eax, msg2 call sprint mov eax, ZERO call sprint mov eax, msg3 call sprint mov eax, input1 call sprint call quit
; -------------------------------- ; BigIntDiv case2: mov eax, dword[len1] sub eax, dword[len2] mov ecx, eax ;use ecx to represent i
.loop3: cmp ecx, 0 jl output push esi ;use esi as j
; while(1) .loop4: mov dword[judge], 1 mov esi, dword[len2] sub esi, 1
; judge wheather enough .loop5: cmp esi, 0 jl .L4 mov eax, dword[len2] add eax, ecx cmp dword[dividend+4*eax], 0 jg .L4 xor eax, eax mov eax, ecx add eax, esi mov ebx, dword[divisor+4*esi] cmp dword[dividend+4*eax], ebx jg .L4 jl .L3 dec esi jmp .loop5
.L3: mov dword[judge], 0
.L4: cmp dword[judge], 0 je .L6 mov esi, 0
; do sub .loop6: cmp esi, dword[len2] je .L5 mov eax, ecx add eax, esi mov ebx, dword[divisor+4*esi] sub dword[dividend+4*eax], ebx cmp dword[dividend+4*eax], 0 jl .L7 inc esi jmp .loop6
.L5: add dword[quotient+4*ecx], 1 jmp .loop4
.L6: dec ecx jmp .loop3
.L7: add dword[dividend+4*eax], 10 add eax, 1 sub dword[dividend+4*eax], 1 inc esi jmp .loop6
; output the two result output: pop esi mov dword[index], 0 mov ecx, dword[len1] sub ecx, dword[len2]
; the first number != 0 and get its index .loop7: cmp ecx, 0 jl .L8 cmp dword[quotient+4*ecx], 0 jne .L8 dec ecx jmp .loop7
.L8: mov dword[index], ecx mov ecx, dword[index] mov eax, msg2 call sprint
.loop8: cmp ecx, 0 jl .L9 mov eax, dword[quotient+4*ecx] and eax, 0fh add eax, '0' mov byte[printout], al push ecx mov edx, 1 mov ecx, printout mov ebx, 1 mov eax, 4 int 80h pop ecx dec ecx jmp .loop8
.L9: cmp dword[index], -1 je .small_solve0 call sprintLn .L11: mov dword[index], 0 mov ecx, dword[len2] sub ecx, 1
.loop9: cmp ecx, 0 jl .L10 cmp dword[dividend+4*ecx], 0 jne .L10 dec ecx jmp .loop9
.L10: mov dword[index], ecx mov ecx, dword[index] mov eax, msg3 call sprint
.loop10: cmp ecx, 0 jl .end mov eax, dword[dividend+4*ecx] and eax, 0fh add eax, '0' mov byte[printout], al push ecx mov edx, 1 mov ecx, printout mov ebx, 1 mov eax, 4 int 80h pop ecx dec ecx jmp .loop10
.end: cmp dword[index], -1 je .small_solve call sprintLn call quit
; quotient = 0 .small_solve0: mov eax, ZERO call sprint jmp .L11
; remainder = 0 .small_solve: mov eax, ZERO call sprint call quit